I blame having kids. Because really...everything I'm late for somehow relates back to my munchkins. It's never just pure lazy or procrastination. (Hahahaha)
So...on that day I weighed in at 200.8. Ugh. So close to my goal...but it STILL took me close to a week to finally get to that 1 at the front of my weight. I'm there now so I guess we can say its "old news."
Other than that let me just tell you a few things...
1. I sit down and look down and my gut is so flat. Like I can see my thighs which is really weird.
2. I LOVE crossing my legs comfortably.
3. I don't eat enough. I struggle with this every day, I'm forcing myself to eat more and I think that's why I've started to lose weight again more regularly. I don't want to starve myself but I'm just not hungry. Ever. I'm shooting for 800-1000 calories and 40 gr protein. I'm talking this over with my doc on the 5th. I was thinking about getting a fill because I can eat bread/meat/etc but I don't know if that's the best plan now.
4. I can eat the heck out of candy. :/. I hate that candy is a slider food for me. Skittles are my current nemesis.
5. I'm not exercising enough. Because of illness it's been 2 weeks since Zumba and I've only done minimal moving at home. I REALLY need to ramp it up. I have big dreams of this once my hubby is finally home. Until then I feel like I'm treading water a little just staying afloat.
6. I'm fighting for every pound these days. I think my big loss days are gone, but I'm ok WTH that because I'm still losing.
So..here are my comparison pics...not a huge difference that I can see (***edited to add clarification...I mean difference between three months ago photos and now. I definitely DO see the difference from start to finish.**) , but I don't expect that anymore. Like I said...I'm just happy the scale continues to go down.
In other news...I'm scheduled for the next step for my reduction at the end of March. Feeling better about it, but still nervous.
And...one more week and our deployment is OVER! I CAN'T WAIT!!!